Thursday, September 9, 2010

The new kitchen door
The new kitchen entrance is taller and wider than standard entrances. I was tired of trying to squeeze through with my laundry, groceries, what-have-you, so this takes care of that. The hardest part was getting those angles the same on both sides. I didn't have a miter box, but a buddy of mine knew how to hook it up. We cut the pieces at his house, and then I installed it. It came out pretty well I think. You can also get a closer look at the ceiling fan I mentioned earlier.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! Thanks. Nice Kitchen Door. Looking good. I always believe in using best, cheap and reliable replacement kitchen doors and accessories are easier and simpler that replacing your whole kitchen , it saves you time, money and the mess. I always prefer to buy Cheap Gloss Kitchen Doors.
